Heathrow korraldab Suurbritannia-Iiri lennujaamade EXPO

Kirjutatud Dmitro Makarov

– The British-Irish Airports EXPO is the biggest-ever UK airports trade show attracting 160 exhibitors, and up to 3,000 visitors

– Heathrow’s spokespeople will be joined by key political figures such as Baroness Sugg, David Blunkett and other aviation industry experts as they speak at five specialist conferences over two days

Heathrow lennujaam korraldab 12.-13. Juunil 2018 Londoni Olympias tänavuse Suurbritannia-Iiri lennujaamade EXPO. EXPO-l, mis on suurim spetsiaalselt Suurbritannia ja Iiri lennujaamadele pühendatud näitus, peaks olema üle 160 eksponendi ja kuni 3,000 külastajat. .

Üritusel näevad Suurbritannia ja Iiri lennujaamakogukonna võtmeisikud arutavat mitmesugustel teemadel, sealhulgas ühenduvus, infrastruktuuri arendamine ja juurdepääsetavus. Tänavune EXPO hõlmab piirkondlike ja ärilennujaamade grupi (RABA) aastakonverentsi.

Over 70 key figures in the aviation industry, including Heathrow CEO, John Holland-Kaye, Aviation Minister, Baroness Sugg, Lord David Blunkett and easyJet Group Director of Strategy and Network, Robert Carey will contribute to sessions at one of the following five conferences:

The Regional And Business Airports Group’s Heathrow Connectivity Conference
The Heathrow Expansion, Supply Chain, and Best Practice Conference
The Civil Aviation Authority’s PRM and Airport Accessibility Conference
The British-Irish Airports Showcase Conference
The Metropolitan Police Aviation Policing Command Airports Counter Terrorism Conference

Heathrow CEO, John Holland-Kaye said: “Heathrow is excited to be hosting the 3rd British-Irish Airports EXPO. As the UK’s gateway, Heathrow plays a key role in the country’s aviation industry and it’s great to have this opportunity to showcase the work being done both within our airport and across the sector. Collaboration like this is essential if Britain and Ireland are to secure the connectivity needed to thrive post-Brexit.”

Märkused toimetajatele.

The Heathrow-hosted 3rd British-Irish Airports EXPO, takes place Olympia London 12-13 June 2018 and is backed by:

– The Department for International Trade’s ‘Exporting is GREAT’ campaign

– Enterprise Ireland

– The British Aviation Group (the 200+ UK airports suppliers and exporters trade association)

– RABA, the 40-strong regional airports trade body

Entrance to the EXPO and all conference stages is entirely free-of-charge to all airport trade visitors and airport stakeholders.


Andmeid autor

Dmitro Makarov

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