Kuidas rohkem turiste mõjutab Hawaii hotelle

Oahu hotels earned RevPAR of $50 (-76.3%) in February, with ADR at $169 (-30.5%) and occupancy of 29.3 percent (-56.7 percentage points). Oahu’s February supply was 775,600 room nights (-9.5%). Waikiki hotels earned $45 (-78.0%) in RevPAR with ADR at $164 (-31.4%) and occupancy of 27.6 percent (-58.4 percentage points).

Hotellid Hawaii saar reported RevPAR of $98 (-62.0%), with ADR at $276 (-9.0%) and occupancy of 35.3 percent (-49.3 percentage points). The island of Hawaii’s February supply was 186,800 room nights (-0.2%). Kohala Coast hotels earned RevPAR of $154 (-59.5%), ADR at $445 (-2.5%) and occupancy of 34.6 percent (-48.6 percentage points).

Kauai hotels earned RevPAR of $48 (-82.0%), with ADR at $181 (-42.9%) and occupancy of 26.4 percent (-57.4 percentage points). Kauai’s February supply was 90,800 room nights, 22.9 percent lower than last February.

Hotelli toimivusstatistika tabeleid, sealhulgas aruandes esitatud andmeid, saab vaadata veebis veebis: https://www.hawaiitourismauthority.org/research/infrastructure-research/   



Andmeid autor

Linda Hohnholz, eTN-i toimetaja

Linda Hohnholz on kirjutanud ja toimetanud artikleid alates oma töökarjääri algusest. Ta on rakendanud seda kaasasündinud kirge sellistes kohtades nagu Hawaii Vaikse ookeani ülikool, Chaminade ülikool, Hawaii laste avastuskeskus ja nüüd TravelNewsGroup.
