St. Kittsi turism: 2023. aasta eesmärgid ja strateegiad

„St. Kittsi turismitööstus avaldab majandusele jätkuvalt positiivset mõju. Meie jõupingutused oma toodete ja teenuste mitmekesistamiseks loovad jätkuvalt rohkem töövõimalusi ja suurendavad soovi külastada saart aastaringselt,“ ütles austatud Marsha Henderson, St. Kittsi turismi-, rahvusvahelise transpordi, tsiviillennunduse, linnaarengu ja tööhõiveminister. ja tööjõud.

„St. Kittsi turismitööstus avaldab majandusele jätkuvalt positiivset mõju. Meie jõupingutused oma toodete ja teenuste mitmekesistamiseks loovad jätkuvalt rohkem töövõimalusi ja suurendavad soovi külastada saart aastaringselt,“ ütles austatud Marsha Henderson, St. Kittsi turismi-, rahvusvahelise transpordi, tsiviillennunduse, linnaarengu ja tööhõiveminister. ja tööjõud.

"2022. aasta jooksul rakendatud platvormid ja protsessid on suurendanud tõhusust kõikjal ja edendavad meie edu, kui ootame oma 2023. aasta eesmärke."

2022. aasta oli St Kittsi jaoks tähendusrikaste saavutuste aasta: sihtkoht võitis mitmeid tunnustusi, sealhulgas Caribbean Journali aasta sihtkoha tiitli; tekitas tugevat meediakära; ja suurenenud nähtavus, mis viib lõpuks saabujate arvu peaaegu pandeemiaeelsele tasemele.

The St. Kitts Tourism Authority is confident that 2023 will bring ongoing growth in arrivals, as strategic programming, product development and positioning aligned with the new Venture Deeper brand campaign will continue to differentiate St. Kitts and drive continued success.

“This year laid a strong foundation for St. Kitts in the tourism industry as we received a multitude of prestigious awards and improved relationships with key stakeholders that are vital to our success as a destination,” said Ellison “Tommy” Thompson, CEO of St. Kitts Tourism Authority. “Building on our progress, St. Kitts is committed to increasing airlift presence on-island, amplifying relations in source markets, and increasing destination visibility overall in 2023.”

The St. Kitts Tourism Authority is also placing a heavy focus on relationships with local stakeholders. A synergistic approach to tourism efforts between the Tourism Authority and local community will amplify the amount of funding available to the island for improvements on roadways, hospitals, sustainability initiatives, and the schooling system, for a truly symbiotic relationship.

Sustainable tourism, a trend within the industry that is gaining rapid momentum, is woven into the foundation of St. Kitts. With such a rich culture and history rooted in the island’s natural spaces and offerings, sustainability in all its forms is considered a lifestyle by the local population. The commitment to preserving and nurturing the spaces that tell stories pivotal to the island’s identity is evident through its numerous initiatives. As a world-wide leader in the sustainability space and one of the only locations in the world with a growing rainforest, St. Kitts’ efforts to protect biodiversity, natural resources, culture, and history are at the forefront for 2023.

With Kittitians at the heart and soul of the island experience, 2023 will also bring new opportunities for travellers to build relationships with the local community. The Tourism Authority aims to spread the joy, culture, and history of the island through the eyes of its most valued residents. St. Kitts is relatively new to the tourism industry, and if 2022 is any indication of the future, the island will continue to radiate great warmth and success in the new year.

St Kittsi kohta

St. Kitts is the larger of two islands that make up the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis. Eighteen miles of green mountain ranges stretch from Mount Liamuiga in the north to the southern peninsula—each end, an entirely different and equally fulfilling experience. The island’s serendipitous location between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea gives its coast distinctively varied hues. Our beaches range from golden tones to salt-and-pepper and alluring black volcanic sand. Venture Deeper into the magic of St. Kitts and discover what the destination holds while simultaneously venturing introspectively into a journey of self-discovery. Peel back the many layers of our beautiful island to discover the culture, history, adventure, and culinary delights around every corner. 

*If you are travelling to St. Kitts, it is required that you complete the online Immigration and Customs ED Form before arrival. Upon completion, you will receive a receipt with a QR code that you must present upon arrival in St. Kitts. Your QR code can be printed out or scanned directly from your phone. For more information about St. Kitts, visit 


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Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson on olnud ülesannete toimetaja eTurboNews rohkem kui 20 aastat. Ta elab Hawaiil Honolulus ja on pärit Euroopast. Talle meeldib uudiste kirjutamine ja kajastamine.

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